This one of a kind remedy was born out of necesity in the relentless hot, humid climate of Hawaii

Created and made by hand in the USA by people that had to solve their own problem and have lived through the frustration of dealing with extremely stubborn cases of tinea versicolor spots

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does the spray take to work?

    Typically it takes about 2-3 weeks of spraying everyday before the spots completely dissapear. Many custoers have reported results in as little as 7-10 days however. And in some extreme cases it can take a month or two before the fungus is completely erradicated.

    How many times per day do I need to spray?

    It's recommended that you spray the affected area 3-5x per day for maximum effects

    Do I need to change my diet?

    We've created a product that is strong enought that most people do not need to make any lifestyle changes. However, in extreme cases cutting out alcohol, gluten and dairy consumption has helped.

    Once the spray works can the spots ever come back?

    It is stll possible for the spots to come back at sometime in the future. If you're one of the people tha suffers from recurrent cases we suggest keeping a bottle on hand and spraying as soon as a new spot appears before it can spread.